
Fluctus barrel warframe market
Fluctus barrel warframe market

  • As a shotgun-like weapon, the Corvas is best used when engaging enemies at close range, where its scattershot spread can be used to deal massive damage against enemy units.
  • In Atmospheric mode, it functions like a shotgun, and fires hit-scan pellets.
  • In Archwing mode, Corvas fires a wide energy projectile, similar to the Arca Plasmor.
  • All parts, except for the blueprint, are tradeable. Its parts can be purchased from various Syndicates. The Corvas's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
  • Greater max damage reduction at ending falloff distance (100.00% vs.
  • Lower average damage per tap (1584 vs.
  • Lower base critical chance (40.00% vs.
  • Lower base damage per projectile (880 vs.
  • Corvas (Charged Shot), compared to Corvas Prime (Charged Shot):.
  • Short maximum effective range even with charged shot.
  • Fully charged shots cause a heavy recoiling effect that breaks zoom and knockback.
  • Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 50% from 60m to 120m target distance (distances are affected Projectile Speed).
  • Has linear damage falloff from 100% to ?% from 100m to 200m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed).
  • Second highest crit multiplier behind Velocitus (Atmosphere) (3.0x).
  • Third highest crit chance behind Corvas Prime (Atmosphere) (40.00%).
  • Third highest total damage behind Corvas Prime (Atmosphere) (440).
  • Third highest reload speed behind Dual Decurion (Atmosphere) and Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere) (0.5).
  • Highest average number of crits per shot (4.4).
  • Highest average number of procs per shot (11.14).
  • Pellet spread can hit multiple targets per shot.

    fluctus barrel warframe market fluctus barrel warframe market

  • Second highest critical chance and critical multiplier of all arch-guns, behind Velocitus.
  • This weapon deals primarily Heat damage.
  • It can be rapidly fired to saturate an area with pellets or charged to release a more powerful scattershot. The Corvas flak cannon is a heavy Arch-gun with shotgun properties.

    Fluctus barrel warframe market