As a shotgun-like weapon, the Corvas is best used when engaging enemies at close range, where its scattershot spread can be used to deal massive damage against enemy units.
In Atmospheric mode, it functions like a shotgun, and fires hit-scan pellets.
In Archwing mode, Corvas fires a wide energy projectile, similar to the Arca Plasmor.
All parts, except for the blueprint, are tradeable. Its parts can be purchased from various Syndicates. The Corvas's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
Greater max damage reduction at ending falloff distance (100.00% vs.
Lower average damage per tap (1584 vs.
Lower base critical chance (40.00% vs.
Lower base damage per projectile (880 vs.
Corvas (Charged Shot), compared to Corvas Prime (Charged Shot):.
Short maximum effective range even with charged shot.
Fully charged shots cause a heavy recoiling effect that breaks zoom and knockback.
Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 50% from 60m to 120m target distance (distances are affected Projectile Speed).
Has linear damage falloff from 100% to ?% from 100m to 200m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed).
Second highest crit multiplier behind Velocitus (Atmosphere) (3.0x).
Third highest crit chance behind Corvas Prime (Atmosphere) (40.00%).
Third highest total damage behind Corvas Prime (Atmosphere) (440).
Third highest reload speed behind Dual Decurion (Atmosphere) and Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere) (0.5).
Highest average number of crits per shot (4.4).
Highest average number of procs per shot (11.14).
Pellet spread can hit multiple targets per shot.
Second highest critical chance and critical multiplier of all arch-guns, behind Velocitus.
This weapon deals primarily Heat damage.
It can be rapidly fired to saturate an area with pellets or charged to release a more powerful scattershot. The Corvas flak cannon is a heavy Arch-gun with shotgun properties.